Friday, November 12, 2010

How Can You Possibly be a Mormon and a Democrat?

Of the many rhetorical questions uttered by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one that I have heard (and even asked) quite often throughout my life is...
How can you possibly be a Mormon and a Democrat?
One way to find an answer is to read a book.
A better way, I have found, is to write one!

Yes, I spent the last four years writing a book that answers that question. Now available on Amazon, the book is (most appropriately) titled, How Can You Possibly be a Mormon and a Democrat?: Perspectives on Abortion, Economics, the Environment and Harry Reid. This book is now available at Deseret Book, and various LDS bookstores throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here is a snippet from one of the Amazon reviews:
Instead of the usual finger-pointing and name-calling that you would find in political books, this book brings civil dialogue in a way that I have not seen in any other book. The unique format of this book pits two opposing views against each other, from two people who seemingly share the same values and religious background. Instead of the typical rebuttal that you might expect, the two voices are then brought together to address what they agree on (which is often surprising to both parties).
For the month of September of 2011, How Can You Possibly be a Mormon and a Democrat? will be available at around 40% off, exclusively at the Costco in Ogden, Utah.
Also during the month of September, I will be doing book signings from noon to 5 pm on the following days:
  • Monday
    Sept 12th
  • Thursday
    Sept 22nd
  • Friday
    Sept 23rd
  • Monday
    Sept 26th
  • Friday
    Sept 30th


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