Sunday, November 28, 2010

Senator Reid: Pro-Life for Life

Senator Reid is most definitely a controversial character, at least, among conservatives. But why? Because he simply holds many of the basic tenants of any self-respecting Democrat? True. He does vote 90% the party line. But what of abortion?

Actually, Harry Reid is pro-life and his voting record shows it. First, it must be said that Reid does not get a perfect score from some pro-life groups. The reason for this is simple: He is as intersted in preventing abortion as he is in outlawing it. And because he is interested in preventing abortion, he will often vote for bills that allow Federal Funding to pay for contraception or to groups that provide contraception. And since some of these groups also provide abortion, many pro-life groups give Ried a thumbs down.

This is why it’s risky to base your opinion of someone’s voting record on another group, whether the NRLC or the NRA. Rather, to make an accurate assessment, I recommend looking at each bill one at a time. Here is a sample of his more recent voting record on reproduction related bills:
  • NO on amendment indicating Congress' support of Roe v. Wade (Oct 1999)
  • YES on banning partial birth abortions, including on military bases. (Oct 1999, June 2000, March 2003)
  • YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (March 2004)
  • YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abor-tions. (July 2006)
  • YES on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (March 2008)
Senator Reid was the guest speaker at a BYU devotional on October 9, 2007 at the Marriot Center, where he related the following:

On the topic of abortion, let me say I am pro-life and for the 25 years I have been in Congress have always been pro-life. Some say Democrats can’t be pro-life, but I am proof that we can. During my first year in the Senate, there was an abortion issue that came up for a vote. It was a very close vote. My vote mattered; it could well have been the difference. In the well of the Senate, Senators were explaining the importance of my vote and how important it was.

Senator Barbara Mikulski, at that time the only woman in the Senate and one of the nation’s feminist leaders, told everyone to leave me alone, my vote was a matter of character. I have been left alone for more than two decades, but there are other Democratic senators who share my pro-life position.

Kudos to Senator Mikulski! And kudos to Harry Reid.

Yet, how many conservatives out there just assumed that Harry Reid was pro-choice on abortion? I certainly assumed he was pro-choice until I listened to this devlotional in 2007. Like me, many conservatives are surprised but delighted to find out that his position has always been “pro-life.”

Unfortunatley, far too many conservatives seem determined to despise Brother Reid anyway.

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